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Supporting Documents
Executive Officer’s Report
Adopt Resolutions:
a. Resolution No. 1312 Certifying the Final Environmental Impact Report for the SMUD Annexation of the Cities of West Sacramento, Davis and Woodland and Portions of Unincorporated Yolo County (05-05)b. Resolution No. 1313 Making Determinations and Findings on the SMUD Municipal Service Review (MSR) and the Application to Amend the Sphere of Influence and to Annex the Territory comprising the Cities of Woodland, Davis, West Sacramento and portions of Yolo County (05-05)c. Resolution No. 1314 Adopting Findings including a Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program (05-05) Resolution No. 1314 Attachment A (5.18 MB) Resolution No. 1314 Attachment B (308 KB)
a. Resolution No. 1312 Certifying the Final Environmental Impact Report for the SMUD Annexation of the Cities of West Sacramento, Davis and Woodland and Portions of Unincorporated Yolo County (05-05)
b. Resolution No. 1313 Making Determinations and Findings on the SMUD Municipal Service Review (MSR) and the Application to Amend the Sphere of Influence and to Annex the Territory comprising the Cities of Woodland, Davis, West Sacramento and portions of Yolo County (05-05)
c. Resolution No. 1314 Adopting Findings including a Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program (05-05)