Special District Advisory Committee


The Special District Advisory Committee (SDAC) was established as a standing committee by LAFCo on October 1, 2003. SDAC consists of a minimum of nine, but no more than seventeen, committee members, including the Alternate, and two Special District Commissioners.

It is the intent of LAFCo to have a diverse representation of Special Districts on the committee. The committee includes representatives from recreation and parks, fire, water, flood control/ reclamation, and other types of Special Districts (SMUD, Resource Conservation, CSD, etc.)

Nominees must sit as current Board members in a Special District in Sacramento County and must be nominated by their respective Board. Committee members will serve with no LAFCo compensation. Each committee member will serve a two-year term. Terms are staggered over a period of two years. Committee members are selected by the SDAC Nominating Committee and must be confirmed by LAFCo.

​Information sharing is among the most valued elements of the SDAC. Accomplishments of the SDAC include:

  • Development of the Bylaws of the Advisory Committee​;
  • Formulation of an equitable cost sharing formula for the Special District share of funding for the Commission;
  • Enhanced criteria for Special District representation during city-county property tax exchange agreement negotiations; and
  • Streamlining of the Special District Commission member selection process.

​​Quarterly Meetings

​SDAC meets on the fifth Tuesday of the month at 7:00PM located in the Arden Room (1st floor) of SMUD Headquarters at 6201"S" Street, Sacramento CA 95817. 


Sacramento Local Agency Formation Commission
1112 I Street, Suite 100
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916)874-6458 / FAX (916) 854-9099