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What's New! ​

  • Recruitment for Sacramento LAFCo's Special District Advisory Committee: Now accepting nominations for the Special Distict Advisory Committee. It is a great opportunity for Special District Board Members looking for networking opportunities and to contribute to policies that influence local government in the County. Applications will be accepted until Friday, January 31, 2025. 
  • Learn More: ​LAFCo staff has created and presented a Munipical Service Review 101 and a LAFCo 101. We encourage you to learn more about this agency by checking out this link​
  • Del Paso Manor Water District: A separate webpage has been created and can be found with this lin​​k or on the panel to the left. Please watch that page for any updates and to learn more about the LAFCo process.
  • ​Airport South Update: On June 12, 2024, ​LAFCo held a ​hearing to receive public comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR)​ for this project. No decision was made on the project

​Recently Approved Municipal Service Reviews


The next LAFCo hearing is tentatively scheduled for February 5, 2025​

​​​​Regularly scheduled meetings are shown live on Metro Cable channel 14 and are webcast live on Metro Cable TV website. The replay schedule varies, according to prog​ramming.​​​​

Additional Information

  • A new map system​ for looking up service providers under Sacramento LAFCo authority is now available. 
Sphere of Influence Overview

Incorporation v. Annexation: A Comparison

Additional LAFCo Requirements

The current "LAFCo law​" Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000) is available.​

​​​​​What's LAFCo?

Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo) is a countywide commission, required in each California county

Our Goals:

  • Ensure the orderly formation of local governmental agencies
  • Preserve agricultural and open space lands
  • Discourage sprawl

We Govern:

  • Boundary changes (annexations) of cities and special districts
  • Formation of new agencies
  • Incorporation of new cities and districts
  • Consolidation or reorganization of special districts and or cities
  • Municipal Service Reviews
  • Spheres of Influence Updates

Sacramento LAFCo joins with every LAFCo​​ across the state in accepting greater responsibility for local government service delivery​.​​​​​

Sign-up for news updates via email with Gov Delivery! 

  • Receive announcements​ on completed/updated Municipal Service Reviews, Project Updates and potential LAFCo trainings available to the general public.
Sacramento Local Agency Formation Commission
1112 I Street, Suite 100
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916)874-6458 / FAX (916) 854-9099