LAFCo Meeting March 4, 2009

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Consent Calendar

1. Approve the Meeting Minutes of February 4, 2009

2. Claims dated through February 25, 2009

Public Hearings

3. City of Sacramento Sphere of Influence Amendment - Apsen 1 - Teichert (LAFC 05-08)

4. Final Orangevale Recreation and Park District Municipal Services Review (LAFC 07-08)

Business Items

5. Arden Arcade Incorporation Proposal (LAFC 03-07)

6. Proposed FY 2009-10 Budget


7. Executive Officer / Staff / Counsel

8. Commission Chair and Commissioners

Informational Items

Sacramento Local Agency Formation Commission
1112 I Street, Suite 100
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916)874-6458 / FAX (916) 854-9099