a. Resolution No. LAFC 1345: A Resolution of the Sacramento Local Agency Formation Commission Certifying the Final Environmental Impact Report for the Sphere of Influence Amendments for the City of Sacramento, the Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District, and County Sanitation District #1. (State Clearinghouse # 2005062144) (LAFC 12-05)
“Environmental Impact Report” Information
b. Resolution No. LAFC 1346: A Resolution of the Sacramento Local Agency Formation Commission Adopting Findings of Fact and A Statement of Overriding Considerations for the Sphere of Influence Amendments for the City of Sacramento, the Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District, and County Sanitation District #1. (LAFC 12-05)
c. Adopt Resolution No. LAFC 1347: A Resolution of the Sacramento Local Agency Formation Commission Adopting a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the Sphere of Influence Amendments for the City of Sacramento, the Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District, and County Sanitation District #1. (LAFC 12-05)
Mitigation Monitoring & Reporting Plan
d. Adopt Resolution No. LAFC 1348: A Resolution of the Sacramento Local Agency Formation Commission 1) Making Written Determinations for the Municipal Services Review; and 2) Approving the Sphere of Influence Amendments for the City of Sacramento, the Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District, and County Sanitation District #1. (LAFC 12-05)