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What's New! ​

  • Del Paso Manor Water District: On May 2, 2024, the Commission approved a resolution of intent to initiate dissolution with a remediation period of twelve-months to allow the district time to address the deficiencies that were highlighted in the Sacramento Grand Jury and Municipal Service Review - Addendum​ (approved during the same hearing).
    • ​To learn more, view the staff report with attachments and approved resolution​. 
    • This Del Paso Manor Water District​ flyer ​was created by our team to help summarize LAFCo’s role and to highlight key points in the district’s situation. 
      • ​Staff is working to make this document ADA accessible. For any questions or need assistance with this document, please contact the LAFCo office.  
    • ​Please join us for an Open House on July 16, 2024 at El Camino Fundamental High School to provide district customers additional information on the process and findings. ​
  • A new map system​ for looking up service providers under Sacramento LAFCo authority is now available. 


The next LAFCo hearing is tentatively scheduled for August 7, 2024​

​​​​Regularly scheduled meetings are shown live on Metro Cable channel 14 and are webcast live on Metro Cable TV website. The replay schedule varies, according to prog​ramming.​​​​

Additional Information

​​​Sphere of Influence Overview

Incorporation v. Annexation: A Comparison

Additional LAFCo Requirements

The current "LAFCo law​" Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000) is available.​

​​​​​What's LAFCo?

Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo) is a countywide commission, required in each California county

Our Goals:

  • Ensure the orderly formation of local governmental agencies
  • Preserve agricultural and open space lands
  • Discourage sprawl

We Govern:

  • Boundary changes (annexations) of cities and special districts
  • Formation of new agencies
  • Incorporation of new cities and districts
  • Consolidation or reorganization of special districts and or cities
  • Municipal Service Reviews
  • Spheres of Influence Updates

Sacramento LAFCo joins with every LAFCo​​ across the state in accepting greater responsibility for local government service delivery​.​​​​​

Sign-up for news updates via email with Gov Delivery! 

  • Receive announcements​ on completed/updated Municipal Service Reviews, Project Updates and potential LAFCo trainings available to the general public.
Sacramento Local Agency Formation Commission
1112 I Street, Suite 100
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916)874-6458 / FAX (916) 854-9099